In additional, PayPal delivers one of the most secure payment platforms in the world and all products you ordered and have paid for are reserved for your order.
Please log into your account on the front page by clicking 'Your account' at the top left. In here you will see your order status.
But we do not refund or replace parcels that did not arrive caused by the following reasons, such as lost in transit, sent back to us, and not picked up in time or incorrect address.
We take our shipping and dispatch accuracy very seriously. If any wrong or missing item exists, please kindly provide us with proofs within 48hrs of receiving the parcel as below:
-Photos of the front and back of the packaging envelope or box
-Partial shipment slips (if applicable)
-Photo, video, screenshot, or description of the defective item
-Photo, video, screenshot, or description of the defect or defective area
We will reship your order immediately once our customer services receive the following information:
-Order ID
-Parcel Weight
-Problem with order
-Attach photos of the parcel and contents, as stipulated above
-This must be done within 30 days of the purchase and the product must be in new condition with original packaging and all included accessories. Our service centers do not accept crash damaged parts or items that have been modified.
-Items purchased within 30-90 days can be returned for repair or replacement with corresponding restocking charge.
-Items purchased over 90 days cannot be returned. If there is any fault, you can contact us and return it to original manufacturer and pay for the repair fee.